Cite It Right


Plagiarism is copying someone else’s information and claiming it as your own. You must give written credit for sources of information you use for your work. Information includes, not only text, but graphics, works of art, compositions, symbols, sayings, cartoons, excerpts, and quotations.

If you don’t give credit for your sources you may not get credit for your assignment. Your teacher(s) and/or the school administration may also decide on other disciplinary action.


Here is a guide to copyright in Canada from the Council of Ministers of Education:
Copyright Matters! Some Key Questions and Answers

Cite it right! Style Guides

Writers and researchers use several different styles to cite information sources.  The guides below show you how to use two of the more common styles. Style guides are updated frequently.  These are rough guides only:

More detailed guides are available from the library at Camosun College:

The official APA and MLA guides are also available in the library.  Search for them using Spectrum Community School’s library catalogue.

Several online citation generators exist.  Be sure to double-check the results.