News Media

As popular sources, news media and social media must be carefully evaluated for credibility, accuracy, and bias, and well as cross-checked against the reports of other sources.   Social media can be useful for accessing  breaking news topics, but be careful!

fact-checking tool will help you evaluate the truth of political statements and ideas widely reported in mainstream media. The Choosing Sources page of our library page will also help you make wise decisions about information sources.

News Sources for Students

Some news content is written specifically for students, such as:

Historical News Sources

Newspapers are a valuable resource for researching historical events.  Explore early newspapers of Victoria, Vancouver, and elsewhere in the province below:

A news aggregation tool will help you curate news from selected media outlets — and develop a reading routine for current events.

News Filters

News Aggregation Tools
Fact Checking Tools

News Sources

Local & RegionalNational & InternationalDatabases